Tutoring Sessions

How does a session work?

When you make an appointment online, you will be asked a few questions on that form about what you want to work on—this helps us get our bearings when we sit down to work with you. Expect the tutor to ask you questions throughout your session—it’s a good way for both of you to learn. Expect to share any related materials, such as an assignment handout or related reading, so come prepared with anything that might be helpful. Chances are good that the tutor will ask you to read your work aloud, if you’re comfortable with that—you’ll hear things you missed or want to change. If you don’t have any writing done yet, that’s okay; there is plenty of thinking and planning you can get done together. Don’t expect to get at everything perfectly or completely in one session—you’ll have to set reasonable goals. Plan on doing your share of the talking and working together in the direction you want to take. Sessions run up to one hour, but we’re done when you are. Don’t forget to ask for a cup of tea.

Will my professor know that I have visited the writing center?

After your session, you will be sent an automatic email inviting you to tell us what was helpful or not. That’s optional, but you can also forward this email right to your professor to document your visit.

What kinds of assignments can I bring?

If it’s writing, bring it in. Creative writing, lab reports, application essays, presentation slides, grocery lists—any aspect of any writing at any stage. We’re game.

Will my tutor know enough about my subject?

We’ve been trained to help you with the writing aspects of any subject. We won’t always be experts, and we might be absolute novices with a particular course or topic. But you’ll benefit by having to talk with a general reader during your session. Our questions and comments will stimulate and sharpen your own thinking and writing. We’ll have plenty of suggestions, but we’re also good at helping you generate your own thinking.

Do you do proofreading? I just need the commas and stuff cleaned up!

Yes, we help with sentence-level issues like grammar and punctuation and that sort of thing, but we do it together. Plan on learning something about the mechanics yourself, be reasonable about what you can cover in an hour, and expect to hear suggestions or comments about other related aspects of your writing along the way.

How many times can I visit the writing center regarding the same assignment?

We’ll never get enough of you. We encourage writing process, and we want to help with every step along the way. Be a frequent flyer.

How can I become a tutor?

Tutoring is a great way to help others, improve your own writing, and gain some valuable work experience. WRIT 230 is a half-unit course typically offered each spring for students who have been recommended by a faculty member. Students who complete the class are eligible to apply. If you want to know more, contact Chuck Lewis, Director of the Writing Program.

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