Workshop & Peer Coaching

Those who have participated in the pedagogy series are invited to take part in an annual workshop and peer coaching program directed toward redesigning an existing course, or developing a new one, that aligns with their renewed understanding of equitable pedagogy.

In addition to the benefits reaped by faculty, this work also informs ongoing assessment of the project and provides material for an “ideas bank” of best practices for making classrooms more inclusive and equitable.

2017 Program Details

  • During Spring semester 2017 participants will meet 2-3 times to talk through goals for the workshop. What do you want to get out of this? What type of class/project/programming are you planning to work on? Based on your goals and objectives small peer coaching groups will be established.
  • In late May or early June, participants will take part in a two-day retreat. Everyone will bring a concrete project to work on - this could be a syllabus to revamp or a program to restructure, depending on where your work with students is situated. The two-day workshop will focus on clarifying your goals, coming up with creative alternatives, and formulating a work plan for the summer.
  • In August, participants will regather for a day and share their new curriculum or program. In this portion of the workshop we will troubleshoot questions that arose and address any fears or concerns you might have about implementation. At this time we will also create a peer coaching schedule for the fall.
  • During Fall semester 2017, the group will support each other through peer coaching, which includes some combination of visiting each other’s classes, one-on-one consultation, and group discussions.
  • Finally, at the end of the Fall semester, the group will gather one last time to debrief and reflect. Were the changes you made effective? If not, what further changes could be made? How will you do this differently next time?

Compensation for participating in this program is $1200, paid in installments each term ($200 after spring pre-meetings; $750 for summer workshops; $250 for fall activities). We will also provide meals and beverages during the summer workshops.

This program is offered every year.


2018 - 2019 Academic Year

  • Daniel Barolsky
  • Suzanne Cox
  • Sarah Coyer
  • Joy DeLeon
  • Kate Fiffer
  • Katie Johnson
  • Ed Muston
  • Bill New
  • Cristina Parente
  • Jedidiah Rex
  • Alexandra Trumbull
  • Amy Tibbitts

2017 - 2018 Academic Year

  • Kristin Bonnie
  • Elizabeth Brewer
  • Lindsay Chapman
  • Meghan Dowell
  • Jessica Fox-Wilson
  • Steve Huss-Lederman
  • Christina Klawitter
  • Kylie Quave
  • Amy Tibbitts
  • Jenn Walsh

2016 - 2017 Academic Year

  • Rachel Bergstrom
  • Theodore Gries
  • Erin Munro
  • Britt Scharringhausen

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