Grievance Procedures

Every effort is made to resolve issues or concerns through informal processes as a first step.

Students, faculty, and staff with any disability-related concerns are encouraged to discuss the situation with the involved parties and involve the Director of the Learning Enrichment and Disability Services as soon as an issue appears. 

The Grievance Procedure is available on-line, at the Dean of Students Office as well as at the Office of the Provost and the Vice-President for Human Resources and Operations’ office. The Vice-President for Human Resources and Operations, Lori Rhead, is the campus ADA and 504 Coordinator (Contact: 608-363-2631 or

Note to faculty and staff: Accommodation decisions made by the Director are to be implemented as recommended while an appeal is in process. Delays in the negotiations or the implementation of accommodations can be construed as a form of discrimination.

Filing a Grievance Outside of Beloit College

Use of the internal complaint procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies. At any time, an individual may pursue other remedies available to him/her under applicable state law or federal law. The Federal Office of Civil Rights and/or The Wisconsin Civil Rights Commission will take complaints and will investigate when appropriate. Contact information for these offices is found at the end of the Grievance Procedure.

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