Related Links
Orientation, Advising, & Courses
Your first course, professor, advisor, and friends.
Related checklist items
As soon as possible
- Questionnaire for advisor (Once matched with your advisor)
- Final high school transcript
- College transfer credit reporting
Mark your Calendar
- Ongoing – Advising and Spring Class Registration (individual appointments with your AMP Advisor — check your email for more information)
- Jan. 22 – First Day of Classes
Academic Preparation
Once you have completed your studies at your current school and have graduated high school or finished your college exams, please arrange to have your final official transcript(s) sent to the Office of Admissions.
More information about how to submit your final transcript is available here.
More information about transfer credit is available from the Registrar.
If applicable, official results of your AP/IB/etc. exams should also be reported to Beloit College, so they can be evaluated for credit.
More information about testing credit is available from the Registrar.
Before New Student Days, your Beloit College transcript will be updated to reflect any credit received. You can view your transcript on the Portal.
We strongly encourage you either to continue studying the language you have already begun studying or to take on a new language during your time at Beloit.
Learn more about learning languages at Beloit
In particular, if you have previously studied a language, please contact a professor or take a placement exam. You and your advisor can then use the results to better plan your first semester at Beloit.
Summer Orientation (July 15-19)
Everything you need to know to make the most of your first year at Beloit.
Meet your classmates, learn about all of our favorite spaces on campus, and get a sneak peek into residential living at Beloit during our virtual Summer Orientation programming.
In addition to lots of fun events, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with key campus staff and ask lots of questions about important issues like health, safety, and financial wellness. Invite your family and supporters!
All events will be offered twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening, so choose the sessions that work best for you and your family. The full Summer Orientation schedule will be shared in June.
Don’t hesitate to email us at if you have questions.
View Past Sessions
If you were unable to attend an orientation session live, recordings of previous sessions are available at any time. Use the link below to browse our archive of previous summer orientation sessions and to get caught up on everything you need to know as a new Beloiter.
Advising & Registration (July 22-Aug. 2)
Meet your mentor and classmates and choose your fall courses.
During Summer Orientation, you’ll have your first group meeting with your AMP Faculty Advisor and your classmates and fellow advisees. We’ll cover how advising works at Beloit, credit and curricular requirements, information for specific careers and majors, and how to actually register for courses in the Beloit Portal.
After Summer Orientation, you’ll meet one-on-one with your AMP Advisor to make final selections and register for fall courses. Appointment registration will be available soon.
In preparation for advising & registration, we encourage you to review the information below for more information about the Beloit curriculum.
You can also meet the AMP Advisors, and explore the AMP Intro Courses.
Registering for Courses/Advising and Mentoring
You will be contacted by your Advanced Mentoring Program Advisor to schedule both an individual and group advising session over Zoom before your arrival on campus.
During the group advising session, you will discuss the Beloit curriculum and the course registration process, connect with fellow incoming students, and ask any and all questions you may have.
During the individual advising session, you will work with your AMP Advisor to explore available courses, discuss your interests and goals, and build a course schedule for success.
You will have additional opportunities to connect with your advisor and refine your schedule during on-campus Orientation. Explore the content below to begin to think about your course schedule.
More Information
Unlike some other colleges which describe classes in terms of “hours,” classes at Beloit are measured in units. Standard courses count as one unit.
Each of your classes will typically meet two or three days a week, e.g. on Tuesday and Thursday, or on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Most classes meet between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and a few meet in the evening.
First-year students typically enroll in 4 units. To be considered full-time, students must be enrolled in and remained enrolled in 3 units over the semester.
Being a full-time student is important for several reasons: financial aid packages often require students to be enrolled full-time in order to receive funds, you need to be full-time enrolled to live on campus and, if you play a varsity sport, the NCAA dictates that you must be a full-time student.
We will encourage you to choose courses in your first year that both allow you to dive into existing interests and also to explore courses throughout our curriculum. In the process, you will undoubtedly complete courses that fulfill graduation and/or major requirements.
Textbooks and Course Materials
Beloit College is here to help you quickly and easily obtain all of your course materials and books through our online textbook ordering service. Through this service, created in partnership with Akademos, Inc., Beloit College allows students to purchase their books and other required course materials at the Beloit College Online Bookstore prior to the start of classes and to charge these purchases directly to their student account.
What to know about charging your student account for bookstore purchases:
- The textbook ordering service is available to all students, pending Bursar’s Office approval of individual student accounts.
- Each student will be able to charge to their student account, up to $800 per semester, for required course materials at the Beloit College Online Bookstore.
- Purchases that can be charged to the student account are limited to textbooks, art supplies, office supplies, and supplies for your residence hall room.
- Charging directly to your student account will end approximately two weeks after the start of the second mod. You will have time to get your second mod books and materials right when you need them.
- Approval for charging your student account is required for each semester separately, and all purchases on the student account must be made through the Beloit College Online Bookstore.
In order to obtain student account charging privileges, students must be approved by the Bursar’s Office in Financial Services.
The Bursar’s Office will approve and notify the Bookstore directly if one of the following requirements have been met:
- Your student account is paid in full for the current Semester.
- A payment plan is set up with Tuition Management Systems (TMS) for the current semester. (Payment plan must be current and not past due)
- To make a payment on your account or set up a payment plan, please visit
If you have any questions regarding charging your student account through the textbook ordering service, please contact the Bursar’s Office at (608) 363-2224 or
Sign up for an advising appointment with your AMP Advisor to discuss your fall course schedule!
Appointments are available between July 20 and July 30. Reach out to your AMP Advisor or with questions. Sign in with the email address you used to create your admissions account.