Sexual Assault Prevention Program

SafeColleges™ Sexual Assault Prevention Program

Across college campuses in the United States, sexual assault is a concern. To make sure our campus is safe, informed, and prepared to make good decisions, Beloit College has chosen to be proactive. By partnering with SafeColleges™ by Vector LMS, a sexual assault awareness and prevention program, we prepare all incoming students to understand and know how to prevent sexual assault from occurring.

Instructions on how to access the online program are given below. You will also participate in a follow up discussion in an evening seminar session during New Student Days.

Please complete the program before your first semester on campus: July 31 for fall semester and early January 5 for spring semester. This must be completed before you will be allowed to register for classes.

We thank you in advance for your diligent participation in this critical program. Through the SafeColleges™ Sexual Assault Prevention Program and our other campus efforts and resources, we are becoming a nationwide model for a safer campus.

Program Instructions

Once the program is available:

  1. Using your web browser, go to the Vector LMS, Higher Education Student Edition website for Beloit College:
  2. To log in, enter your username, which is your full Beloit College email address. (For example,
  3. Once you log in, you will be given a list of “My Assignments”. Click on the course title to begin the training.
  4. Complete each assignment by following the instruction provided in each. It takes about 2 hours to complete the “Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduate Students (Full Course)” assignment, which is assigned to all incoming students. You must complete each section of the course in order to receive full credit.
    • Note to International Students: Please complete both “Title IX Essentials for International Students” and “Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduate Students (Full Course)”. If you have difficulties, please contact Shannon Jolly at
  5. Your progress in each assignment is saved, allowing you to complete your assignments in more than one sitting. When returning, access the program again by using your Beloit College email address and created password. You can access to the program until May 31 of the following year.
  6. When all of your assignments are complete, you will receive follow-up contacts from SafeColleges™ highlighting key program information.

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you have questions or concerns regarding this program, please contact Joy de Leon at or 608-363-2661.

If you have any technical difficulties with the program, please refer to the program documentation or contact their support staff.

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