Health Services

Resources on and off campus to help keep you healthy.

Beloit College Health and Wellness Center

The college collects a modest health and wellness fee, which assists in financially supporting the health and wellness activities and services on campus. The Beloit College Health and Wellness Center is located on the second floor in the Powerhouse. The center is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. while classes are in session.

Below is a sample listing of services the Health and Wellness Center offers:

  • Nurse consultations
  • Treatment of minor injuries/illnesses
  • Sports physicals
  • Referrals to specialists and community health services
  • Professional mental health counseling
  • Gynecology and birth control
  • STI testing

Nurse practitioner appointments and billing

Students can see a Registered Nurse at the Health and Wellness Center for free. A nurse is available to see students during office hours by appointment or by walk-in as available.

A nurse practitioner from the Beloit Health System sees students for appointments on campus Monday through Thursday. Nurse practitioner visits — on or off campus — will be billed to you and/or your insurance. If you plan to see the nurse practitioner, check to see if your insurance has an in-network relationship with Beloit Health System. All visits with the nurse practitioner will be billed to your insurance by Beloit Health System.


On-campus counseling offers free counseling visits for all students. Long-term or chronic mental health needs will be referred to off-campus mental health providers, as appropriate. Counseling is located in the Health and Wellness Center and appointments are made by contacting the Health and Wellness Center.

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