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The possibilities are abundant. You’ll study away where it makes the most sense for your studies and personal interests.
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Starting Points for your Field of Study
The suggestions by field of study are just that, suggestions. They are not exhaustive. Students can explore additional locations by looking at options by location.
Goldsmiths, University of London England
Lingnan University Hong Kong
University of Canterbury New Zealand
University of Otago New Zealand
University of Glasgow Scotland
University of Sussex England
Goldsmiths, University of London England
ISEP Ewha Womans University South Korea
ISEP University of Malta Malta
Lingnan University Hong Kong
Lorenzo de’ Medici Italy
Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, UK
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University of Glasgow Scotland
University of Otago New Zealand
Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ecuador
University of Sussex England
University of York England
CES at Maastricht University Business and Economics in Europe, Netherlands
Lingnan University Hong Kong
University College Cork Ireland
University of Sussex England
University of York England
Lingnan University Hong Kong
Al Akhawayn University Morocco
Eötvös Jozsef Collegium Hungary
Lancaster University England
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University College Cork Ireland
University of East Anglia England
University of Sussex England
University of York England
Akita International University Japan
ISEP Tampere University Finland
Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ecuador
University of Canterbury New Zealand
University of East Anglia England
University of Otago New Zealand
University of Sussex England
CES Maastricht International Environmental Law Netherlands
Geohazards and Climate Change Norway
University of Canterbury New Zealand
University of St. Andrews Scotland
University of Bristol England
ISEP University of Malta, Malta
API Hellenic American University Greece (API Site for Beloit)
CEA Medical Spanish and Health Sciences Costa Rica
Public Health & Medicine in Europe, CES Maastricht Netherlands
University of Canterbury New Zealand
University of Limerick Ireland
University of York England
Al Akhawayn University Morocco
Lingnan University Hong Kong
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University of York England
University of Sussex England
ISEP University of Ghana Ghana
ISEP Chile Valparaiso
Universidad del Salvador Argentina
Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ecuador
Spanish Studies Abroad, San Juan Puerto Rico
Spanish Studies Abroad, Havana, Cuba
Al-Akhawayn University Morocco
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Hungary
University of Bristol England
University of Sussex England
University of York England
Goldsmiths, University of London England
Lingnan University Hong Kong
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University of Sussex England
University of York England
Aix-Marseilles Université France
Akita International University Japan
Kansai Gaidai University Japan
ISEP Universidad de Murcia Spain
Rikkyo University, Japan
Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ecuador
Université Savoie Mont Blanc (French Alps) France
University of Minnesota: International Development Senegal (French)
Spanish Studies Abroad Spain
Goldsmiths, University of London England
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University College Cork Ireland
University of Limerick Ireland
University of Sussex England
University of York England
University of Canterbury New Zealand
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
ISEP University of Sharjah, UAE
University of Sussex England
University of York England
ISEP Johannes Kepler University Austria
University of Canterbury New Zealand
University of Sussex England
University of Bristol, England
University of York England
Lingnan University Hong Kong
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University of Sussex England
International Relations & Politics, CES Maastricht Netherlands
Politics, Law & International Relations. CES Maastricht Netherlands
University of York England
Macquarie University Australia
Positive Psychology, CES Maastricht Netherlands
Psychology & Neuroscience, CES Maastricht Netherlands
Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland
University of Sussex England
University of York England
Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
Goldsmiths, University of London England
ISEP University of Malta Malta
Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ecuador
University of Sussex England
University of York England