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한국어 프로그램에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
Activities throughout the program, such as discussion time, special cultural events, the Korean dinner, Korean films, Culture Day, and student talent show, help to immerse students in their learning.
The program makes use of the Korean communities of Chicago and its suburbs to pursue cultural activities to complement the campus experience.
Available Courses
The objective of this course is for students to acquire basic communication skills based on their knowledge of reading and writing Hangeul that will be introduced early in the course.
Students will practice Korean speaking and listening with authentic and culturally based materials. They will also have opportunities to improve their reading and writing skills through a variety of classroom activities and assignments.
No prerequisite required.
- Credits: 4 US credits (1 Beloit Unit) per course
This course is a high beginning language course focusing on the study of Korean language and culture.
Students will further develop their ability to communicate at a Beginning 2 level through the consideration of cultural themes, language functions, and authentic situations as they acquire grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Students will also have opportunities to improve their reading and writing skills through a variety of classroom activities and assignments.
- Credits: 4 US credits (1 Beloit Unit) per course
Integrated Korean, Beginning 1, Second Edition
ISBN: 9780824834401 -
Integrated Korean Workbook, Beginning 1, Second Edition
ISBN: 9780824834500