

Akiko Ohashi Brennan, Japanese Program Coordinator for CLS and first-year instructor. Akiko Ohashi Brennan, Japanese Program Coordinator for CLS and first-year instructor. The Center for Language Studies Japanese immersion program is acknowledged as one of the most challenging and rewarding in the country. Our Japanese team is composed of exceptional native teachers who provide individualized instruction and continuous feedback in small classes.

CLS Japanese students at the Anderson Japanese Gardens in Rockford. Excursions enrich the classro... CLS Japanese students at the Anderson Japanese Gardens in Rockford. Excursions enrich the classroom learning. Combining innovative pedagogical methods with excellent instructional materials, our Japanese intensive courses ensure rapid learning, cultural literacy, and long lasting retention of the language. The CLS Japanese program is excellent preparation for individuals interested in work or study abroad.

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Akiko Ohashi Brennan

 Senior Instructor of First-year Japanese, since Summer 2010

“The 7 weeks of teaching CLS are my favorite time of the year. The instructors and students live in the beautiful Beloit College campus studying, eating and participating in special events together. We become so close that I cannot help but cry at the closing ceremony every summer. We become almost a family.

This is not an easy program. In 7 weeks, students earn the equivalent of 2 semesters (one year) worth of credits. Instructors expect students to do their best. We give a lot of homework, followed by many quizzes and tests in order to check understanding of the materials. But, we believe that learning should be fun. We always try to teach and practice the materials in an enjoyable and interesting way. Even when I teach boring verb conjugations, I lead the students in singing the “TE-form song” so that they can memorize this grammar point in an easy and fun way.

Besides teaching, the other passion I have is performing Tea Ceremony. I have performed tea ceremonies at CLS many times. Each time, all of my students enjoy tasting the combination of the bitter tea and accompanying sweets. Most importantly, I witness their profound appreciation of a most precious tradition in Japanese culture. We also go to the Anderson Japanese Gardens as a field trip and later discuss what we saw in class. Learning about Japanese culture is one of the most important aspects of CLS.

The CLS program is the best immersion program in the world because the students can experience “Little Japan” in Wisconsin, learning not only the language but also its culture.”

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