[PART 090] Class Piano (2A)

Course Code

PART 090


Performing and Applied Arts

Description Override

(.5 units). This course offers individualized piano instruction in a group setting. Students of all skill levels are welcome, but it is particularly targeted to those with little or no piano background. Reading skills are developed, while also increasing the student’s familiarity with basic musical terms and directions. For those students with more extensive background, there is flexibility regarding choice of repertoire to achieve these goals. This is an excellent way to prepare for higher level courses and/or participation in ensembles offered by the music department. This course may be taken twice for credit. (2A)

Offering #1 Section


Offering #1 Timeslot

MWF 1:35 PM-2:35PM

Offering #2 Section


Offering #2 Timeslot

MWF 2:50 PM-3:50PM

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