Critical Identity Studies Minor

  1. Critical Identity Studies 101.
  2. Doing Community Requirement (.5 or 1 unit): Chosen from PRAX 110 or 205, or Critical Identity Studies 350. This requirement gives students the tools they need to build and transform communities of which they are a part.
  3. Methods course (1 unit): Critical Identity Studies 201 or 205.
  4. One unit of advanced theory coursework chosen from Critical Identity Studies core courses (301, 309, 311, 312, 315, 320, 325, 330).
  5. Additional units of critical identity studies coursework that add up to at least 6 units in total.
  6. No more than 2 courses crosslisted with Critical Identity Studies 140, 141, or 142 may apply to the minor.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


Primary Section


Additional Section A


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