African Studies Minor

  1. Political Science 247 or 248.
  2. Four units drawn from the following courses, representing at least two domains:
    1. Any of the following courses: Anthropology 262*, 375*; Biology 215*; Economics 204, 235*; Geology 100*, 110*; History 210*; Mathematics 103*; Political Science 248, 249*, 250, 261*, 262, 265.
      • Because the primary emphasis of these courses (*) is not Africa, they may count toward the minor if papers and/or projects are done that focus on an African topic. Such courses must be approved by the instructor and the African studies advisor, and students will be asked to submit a portfolio of their work to the African studies advisor.
    2. No more than 2 units of an approved African or European language, usually Arabic, French, Portuguese, or Swahili.
    3. Other courses, such as regular department courses, interdisciplinary courses, special projects, and study abroad, may meet this requirement with the consent of the African studies advisor.
  3. African Studies 385 (.5, 1), an independent study or directed readings course. Students who do not complete a study abroad experience will be required to take African Studies 385 for 1 unit.
  4. Minors are strongly encouraged to complete at least one semester of study abroad in Africa. Upon consultation with the minor advisor, coursework taken through an approved study abroad program may substitute for required and elective courses. No more than 3 units of study abroad credit may count toward the minor.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


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