Biology Major

The biology major provides a broad background in biology at all scales of organization, from molecules to cells to organisms to ecological communities.

  1. Eight departmental units:
    1. One organismal biology course chosen from Biology 110, 111, 121, 152, 172, or 208.
    2. One experimental design and statistical analysis course: Biology 247.
    3. One molecular-to-cellular level course: Biology 289.
    4. One population-to-ecosystem level biology course chosen from 210, 217, 275 (in consultation with advisor, when topic is appropriate), 365, 372, or 375 (in consultation with advisor, when topic is appropriate).
    5. Three additional units of biology courses numbered 200 or above.
    6. Capstone: one additional unit of biology with the CP designation.
  2. Three supporting units:
    1. One unit chosen from Chemistry 117, 150, 220, or 230.
    2. Two additional units chosen from courses in chemistry, computer science, geology, mathematics, physics or any of the following courses: Philosophy 100, Anthropology 230, 260, 330.
  3. Students majoring in biology may choose to receive the Bachelor of Science degree rather than the Bachelor of Arts degree by completing a minimum of 4 units in chemistry, computer science, geology, mathematics, and/or physics.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


Primary Section


Additional Section A


Additional Section B


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