Computer Science Major

  1. Nine departmental units: Computer Science 111, 175, 204, 245, 315, 335, 347, 367, and 377.
  2. One elective unit chosen from Data Science & Data Analytics 345 and 385, Mathematics 300, Cognitive Science 205 (when topic is appropriate and approved in advance by the department chair), or any other course approved in advance by the department chair and advisor.
  3. Two supporting units: Mathematics 110 and 160.
  4. Students planning to attend graduate school in computer science should consider taking more mathematics course, such as Probability and Statistics I (MATH 205), Linear Algebra (MATH 275), or Real Analysis (MATH 340), and should consult with an advisor for additional study that should be done.
  5. Successful graduates of the program should be able to speak and write effectively in order to communicate important ideas to diverse audiences. The program helps students develop these capabilities in the context of computer science through the progression in its courses. In written communication, students are expected to document their programming work via both internal and external documentation. In oral communication, students are expected to present all aspects of their work and effectively communicate in teams. In all forms of communication, students are expected to be able to address both technical and general audiences. The capstone experiences offer an important opportunity to solidify and extend these skills as students prepare for their future work.
  6. Students majoring in computer science may choose to receive the Bachelor of Science degree rather than the Bachelor of Arts degree by completing a minimum of 4 units in biology, chemistry, geology, and/or physics.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


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