Education and Youth Studies Major

The major embodies a scholar-practitioner model in the liberal arts tradition, with the purpose of providing students with a sequence of intellectual, ethical, and practical experiences that lead to a broad, integrated knowledge of youth and education. This knowledge is realized in the practical ability to work effectively with children, adolescents, and adults in schools and other social settings.

Teacher education at Beloit is fully integrated into an academically rigorous major that stresses experiential and interdisciplinary learning, a respect for difference, and critical global perspectives on education and youth issues. The department’s teacher licensing programs are fully accredited by Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction.

*Asterisked courses are required for student teaching.

  1. Four units from Education and Youth Studies 102, 151, 164, 201.
  2. Two units from Education and Youth Studies 246, 255*, 256*, 265*, 266*, 276 (may be taken twice), 390.
  3. Two units from Education and Youth Studies 300*, 306, PRAX 200 (internship in education and youth-related setting, under the supervision of Education and Youth Studies faculty and site­-based personnel).
  4. Capstone: Education and Youth Studies 382.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


Primary Section


Additional Section A


Additional Section B


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