Additional Information for Education and Youth Studies Students

The EDYS department–in cooperation with the Office of the Provost, has the responsibility and authority to develop, administer, evaluate, and revise Beloit College’s educator preparation program.

For details about certification requirements for all programs, students should consult the department’s handbook and the department website. Because of frequent changes in state rules and regulations relating to teacher licensure, teacher certification requirements are no longer published in the Beloit College catalog. In order to be certified for licensure as a middle/secondary teacher, or as a K-12 art, theater, or foreign language teacher, students must complete a second academic major. In order to be certified for licensure as an elementary/middle teacher, students must complete an academic minor.

Beloit College, through the department of education and youth studies, is authorized by the Department of Public Instruction in Wisconsin to certify graduates for initial educator licensure in the following areas:

  • Elementary and middle school (grades K-9)
  • Middle and high school (grades 6-12)
  • Art (grades K-12)
  • Theatre (grades K-12)
  • Foreign language (grades K-12)

The state of Wisconsin has several additional requirements for licensure, including additional general education courses and passing examinations of basic skills and content knowledge, a test of reading pedagogy for elementary certifiers, and a performance assessment during student teaching. The cost of these assessments is the responsibility of students. Student teaching includes one school-district semester of full-time work in one or more classrooms at the appropriate level(s).

Specific, up-to-date information on teacher certification can be found on the department website or the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website.

Requirement Type


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