Health and Society Minor

No more than 2 units that count towards a major may be used to fulfill these minor requirements.

  1. Completion of one unit of Health and Society 140.
  2. Three units chosen from the core health and society courses: Anthropology 262, Anthropology/Health and Society 323, Biology 215, Critical Identity Studies 236/Health and Society 235, Critical Identity Studies/Health and Society 252, Philosophy 221, Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics 308, Political Science/Health and Society 212 or 230, Psychology 210 or 252, Spanish/Health and Society 218, Chinese 115, French 210, Japanese 115, Spanish 210. At least 2 of the core courses must be completed before the senior year. Other relevant course offerings with significant health content may be substituted with approval of the chair.
  3. One additional course, related to the student’s interest, chosen from the thematic electives below.
    • Health and Well-Being: Anthropology/Health and Society 301, 330, Greek, Latin, and Mediterranean Studies/Health and Society 215, Interdisciplinary Studies 318, Psychology 210, 215, 250, 252, 305, 375, Psychology/Critical Identity Studies 225 (may not be counted for the major in conjunction with Critical Identity Studies/Health and Society 252), Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics 308.
    • Biological Systems and Health: Anthropology 230, Biology 237, 256, 257, 289, 340, Biology/Chemistry 260, 360, Chemistry 220, 230, Psychology 230.
    • Social Determinants of Health: Anthropology/Critical Identity Studies 305 or 306, Critical Identity Studies/Sociology 221, Critical Identity Studies 226/Sociology 225, Critical Identity Studies/Sociology 245, Critical Identity Studies 250/Sociology 251, Economics 204, 271 (if topic is gender economics), Political Science/Health and Society 212 or 230, Political Science/Critical Identity Studies 214, Political Science 255/Environmental Studies 256, Political Science 262, Critical Identity Studies 260, 265, 360 (if topic is medicine).
  4. One unit of statistics or appropriate research methods course chosen from: Anthropology 240, Biology 247, Economics 251, Health and Society/Political Science 201, Sociology 205, 211.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


Primary Section


Additional Section A


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