French and Francophone Studies Major

Students who begin the major with French 100 will construct a major program in consultation with their advisor; this program will not exceed 11 units within the department nor more than 14 units total.

  1. Eight departmental units (100-level and above), including French 210 and 215.
  2. Supporting courses (4 units). Choose one of the three options available:
    1. Four courses chosen from appropriate offerings in anthropology (especially Anthropology 100 and 209), media studies, history; English, philosophy, or political science. A course in Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish literature is recommended.
    2. Students with double majors may use required courses in the other majors to count as supporting courses toward a major in French.
    3. Students may submit a proposal to the major advisor for an individual plan of courses for meeting the requirement of 4 supporting courses.
  3. Majors normally spend one semester in a country in which French is the common idiom. With the consent of the advisor, some courses completed abroad may be used to count toward the major.
  4. Majors are encouraged to live at least one semester in the French House.
  5. Writing/communication: Courses in modern foreign languages offer students opportunities to become competent in four language skills­–speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All four linguistic areas are important. The department of modern languages and literatures meets the college’s writing requirement by having students move from structured writing that reinforces the material learned in language classes–grammar points and vocabulary–to less guided writing in advanced classes where students use language creatively to analyze, describe, narrate, synthesize, persuade, etc.

Requirement Type


Units Needed to Achieve


Primary Section


Additional Section A


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