Night Against Procrastination: Making finals a little sweeter

LITS hosted the first Night Against Procrastination in the renovated Morse Library on Thursday, Dec. 5th! Around 350 students visited the library during the event to prepare for finals and find community during a stressful part of the semester.

A photo of a group of students smiling and standing with Torti the LITS turtle mascot. Torti posing with students at Night Against Procrastination.

A few hours before the event, students stopped by to pet therapy dogs Odin, Aspen, Koda, and Murphy and chat with their handlers. Aspen was especially popular with students and often had a crowd of people waiting to pet her.

Later in the evening, Night Against Procrastination kicked off with crepes, which were a hit among the students. The line spanned half of the first floor of the library! Pizza, cake, and snacks were also available for students later in the night. Many students were excited to fuel up with tasty food while studying.

A photo of LITS staff serving pizza to students. LITS staff handing out pizza and snacks.

LEADS tutors, tutors from the Writing Center, and the college librarians were available during the event to help students complete their coursework and prepare for exams. For students who wanted to take a break from studying, the LITS classroom was transformed into a crafts, games, and puzzles room, and fidget toys were available in a sensory room.

Thank you to all of the departments who helped make this night a success: the Global Experience Office, Career Works, LEADS, the Writing Center, SEAL, the President’s Office, the Provost’s Office, Advancement, Health & Wellness, the Powerhouse, Campus Rec, and Residential Life! Night Against Procrastination helped make finals a little sweeter.

Photo of a line of students waiting to be served crepes by Josh Moore.
Photo of students petting therapy dog Aspen in the library.
Photo of students petting therapy dog Murphy in the library.
Four students smiling and standing with Torti the LITS turtle mascot. One student is shaking Torti's hand.
Photo of students petting therapy dog Odin in the library.
Photo of students petting therapy dog Koda in the library.
December 06, 2024


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