Madam de Sade

Beloit College students performed Madam de Sade in April of 2016. The show is imaginative historical fiction which explores how Renée de Sade, the wife of the notorious Marquis de Sade, may have coped while the Marquis was incarcerated.


By Yukio Mishima
Directed by Amy Sarno
Neese Theatre


How did Renée de Sade, the wife of the notorious Marquis de Sade, cope with her own emotions and those of her family and acquaintances while the Marquis was incarcerated? An imaginative historical fiction by the inimitable Yukio Mishima.


Madame de Sade by Yukio Mishima, April 2016, Neese Theatre
Madame de Sade by Yukio Mishima directed by Amy Sarno
Madame de Sade by Yukio Mishima directed by Amy Sarno
Madame de Sade by Yukio Mishima directed by Amy Sarno
Madame de Sade by Yukio Mishima directed by Amy Sarno
Madame De Sade by Yukio Mishima directed by Amy Sarno
April 30, 2016

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