October 30, 2023

Class of 2027 hails from around the country and the globe

Introducing and welcoming the Class of 2027 to Beloit College.

International students lead the Fall 2023 convocation parade, their country's flag in hand. International students lead the Fall 2023 convocation parade, their country's flag in hand.
Credit: Nicholas Mischler’14

This year’s freshman class of 238 students includes 22 transfer students and 21 international students comes from 19 countries: Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Ghana, Guatemala, Taiwan, India, Italy, South Korea, Myanmar, Mongolia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Domestic students come from 33 states, with students outside the Midwest most frequently coming from California, Florida, and Oregon.

This is the first time in recent years that the number of first-year male students has surpassed the number of first-year female students, a reverse of a long-standing trend across colleges and universities. Nearly a quarter of the class are first-generation college students and 34% of domestic first-years are students of color.

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  • “Slavery in East Asia” by Don J. Wyatt’75

    Slavery in East Asia


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