Al Gerhardstein’73 DSC

Al has been recognized as a civil rights attorney and advocate for civil rights in housing and employment, reproductive health, for prisoners, victims of police misconduct, and the LGBTQ community.

Awarded September 29, 2023
2023 Distinguished Service Citation

Al Gerhardstein came to Beloit from Ohio where he’d earned money for college working on a chicken farm managed by his father. After graduating from Beloit College, he received the Public Interest Root Tilden Scholarship to attend Law School at New York University. He went on to become a civil rights attorney and advocate for civil rights in housing and employment, reproductive health, for prisoners, victims of police misconduct, and the LGBTQ community. Al founded the Ohio Justice and Policy Center which for 25 years has pursued reforms to the criminal legal system. He has represented the Cincinnati Black United Front for 20 years implementing police reforms through the Collaborative Agreement which has now become a national model for reducing arrests while preserving public safety. He has practiced law for over 46 years, litigating “causes, not cases,” and is perhaps best known for his representation of Jim Obergefell in the landmark 2015 Supreme Court decision,Obergefell v. Hodges, that established same-sex marriage as a constitutional right in all fifty states. That journey is traced in the book, Love Wins and also featured in the Netflix Documentary, Amend: the Fight for America, hosted by Will Smith.

Al embraced campus life as a Beloit College student, demonstrating early on his commitment to making the world a better place. He was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa honor society, won the White-Howells English prize in Prose and Poetry, participated in Student Government and Round Table, and graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Government and Political Science in 1973.

At Beloit, Al learned to speak truth to power, promoting student voices in campus governance, and organizing student strikes and Teach-Ins to protest the Vietnam War,” says his wife, Mimi, a fellow Beloit classmate. “Al has never stopped speaking truth to power.”

People naturally turned to Al when there were issues on campus and things to be resolved. He was superb at helping people find common areas of agreement, without giving up his sense of justice,” recalls Al’s friend and Beloit classmate, Rabbi Marc Berkson. “And that has played out in what he has done professionally for many, many years. I can’t imagine anyone more deserving of this honor.”

Al has lived his principles throughout his life, in his work, his family, and his community. “We count Beloit among our lucky stars,” Mimi says, “as the special place where we met, married, and chose to accompany each other on what has become an extended and enriching life-long field term!”

The Beloit College Alumni Association is pleased to bestow the 2023 Distinguished Service Citation upon Alphonse (Al) Gerhardstein.

October 03, 2023

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