Maurice Taylor Van Hecke 1915 DSC

Distinguished Service Citation

Born and bred in Wisconsin; rapidly advancing, after graduate study in teaching law at several universities; professor and dean of law for a long term of service at the University of North Carolina; dean, also, of a new school of law for negro students; frequently called upon for Government relations between labor and industry, and the extension of civil service regulations to attorneys; co-reporter for the American Law Institute:

Your career has brought high achievement and national distinction and reflects honor on your Alma Mater.

This be the evidence of admiration and high regard from your fellow alumni and from Beloit College.


Note: This DSC contains language and ideas that may be outdated, biased, or offensive. We recognize that hiding our past does not change it, and we can use this to propel us on our mission toward becoming better.

July 01, 1970

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