William Porter Swisher’1935 DSC

Your list of community service contributions is extensive and speaks to the pleasure you take in helping others–in the true Beloit College fashion.

1995 Distinguished Service Citation

You have said that Beloit College helped you work out your values and goals and got you started on your career. You credit Doctors Trautman and Boutwell with interesting you in chemistry and helping you manage through those trying times of working your way through college. After graduating from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1939, you went on to serve as an Army physician in England and the U.S. from 1943 to 1946. Your duties then took you to Cook County Hospitals and then on to Evanston Hospital, where you were given Emeritus status upon your retirement in 1988. At the same time you served as an Assistant Professor in Medicine at Northwestern University and served as Medical Director at two retirement homes. Your list of community service contributions is extensive and speaks to the pleasure you take in helping others–in the true Beloit College fashion. You helped to found the Evanston Youth Organization Umbrella, served as a member of the Board of Education in your district, served as public health advisor and neighborhood scout commissioner for the Boy Scouts, and chairman of the commission of religious education at your local church, to name just a few. You give freely of your time, to charitable organizations and to your alma mater, serving as class agent since 1979. It gives this college great pleasure to acknowledge your significant accomplishments by presenting you this Distinguished Service Citation on the anniversary of your Class’s 60th reunion.

July 01, 1995

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