Karl Easlinger Limper’1935 DSC

You have joined a long and distinguished list of Beloit graduates who have become deans in universities across the land.

1960 Distinguished Service Citation

Karl Easlinger Limper, returned to your Alma Mater to help your Class of 1935 celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of its graduation, you have demonstrated your breadth of learning in you more than twenty years of teaching geology at Miami University in Ohio, your power of leadership in wider fields by your appointment a year ago to the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at that famous institution. Beloit is proud to maintain this link with Miami University, begun the year of your Beloit graduation when William E. Alderman, your undergraduate dean at Beloit, accepted the position in which you now succeed him. You have joined a long and distinguished list of Beloit graduates who have become deans in universities across the land. Your Alma Mater expresses its pride in you with this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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