Emily M. Gray’1935 DSC

Who’s Who of American Women as a feminist pioneer in your specialty.

1985 Distinguished Service Citation

A chemistry major at Beloit, you admittedly were “groping for something” the first few years out of college. After trying your hand at teaching and comptometer operation, you studied medical technology at the University of Wisconsin. World War II interrupted your work but also opened a new avenue, for colleagues encouraged you, then a Women’s Army Corps officer and bacteriologist, to pursue pathology. You completed post-war study in medicine under the GI Bill, began a 20-year association with major pathologists at Houston’s St Joseph Hospital, shared with two partners a private laboratory practice, and earned Who’s Who of American Women recognition as a feminist pioneer in your specialty. Your retirement in 1978 was in a professional sense only, for you since have devoted time and energy to activity you often could not enjoy earlier – travel, the study of French, German, and Italian, competitive ballroom dancing, and watercolor painting. In recognition of your diversified achievements and your demonstration of how good, full, and useful one’s life can be, Beloit College proudly presents this Distinguished Service Citation to you as your class gathers again on campus to celebrate its 50th Reunion.

July 01, 1985

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