Kenneth W. Haagensen’1934 DSC

Listed in the American and world editions of “Who’s Who”, you are a director of the Green Bay Packers, Circus World Museum and the State Historical Society.

As executive vice president of the State Chamber of Commerce, you are Wisconsin’s number one promoter and ambassador of good will. You have an excellent reputation as a man who gets things done through personal hard work, efficient communication and the ability to inspire others to do their very best. A public relations specialist with extensive business experience, you are a highly qualified consultant to governmental units in public instruction, economic development, rural-urban affairs and regional export expansion. Past president of the Public Relations Society of America, you were international vice president of its Canadian counterpart and charter president of the state group. Listed in the American and world editions of “Who’s Who”, you are a director of the Green Bay Packers, Circus World Museum and the State Historical Society; vice president of the Vilas Park Zoological Society; cochairman of the State Heart Fund, and a speaker in great demand. Beloit College proudly acknowledges your professional and civic accomplishments by presenting you this Citation.

July 01, 1974

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