Frank Childs Hildebrand’1931 DSC

Your hours in Pearsons Hall of Science as a Beloit undergraduate provided the basis for... a distinguished career in the field of nutrition.

1966 Distinguished Service Citation

Chemist, executive

Your hours in Pearsons Hall of Science as a Beloit undergraduate provided the basis for your continued study at two of the great universities of our country, and to a distinguished career in the field of nutrition. Joining the General Mills company thirty-one years ago, you have held many posts there, climaxed ten years ago by your appointment as vice president supervising quality control. You have written a widely-circulated book in your special field, and your fellow cereal chemists have elected you their president. As you return to celebrate the thirty-fifth reunion of your class, accept this Distinguished Service Citation as token of your alma mater’s esteem.

July 01, 1970

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