Richard B. Warren’1930 DSC

A past president of the Michigan Public Schools Business Officials, you have given time and energy to the communities where you lived.

1980 Distinguished Service Citation

Educator – School Administrator

The foundation for your distinguished 43-year career as teacher and administrator was strengthened on this campus, where you took all available education courses, did student teaching at Burr Training School and were president of the Student Association. After obtaining a master’s degree at Columbia University, you taught high-school mathematics and business. Then, following service as a World War II army air force instructor, you became an assistant superintendent for business affairs, first in Ann Arbor and later in Muskegon, Michigan. In 1957, you were appointed Muskegon school superintendent and, eight years later, accepted the same position in Niles, retiring there in 1973. A past president of the Michigan Public Schools Business Officials, you have given time and energy to the communities where you lived by being a director of the YMCA, children’s home, hospital and savings-and-loan, a church elder, and a service club officer. In testimony to your lifelong commitment to education and your fidelity to your Alma Mater’s high academic standards, Beloit College is pleased to award you this Citation on the occasion of the Golden Anniversary Reunion of your class.

July 01, 1980

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