Elizabeth Golosinec Reinholz’1930 DSC

You deservedly have won numerous citations for enhancing the community’s educational, cultural and religious life in working with young and old alike.

Affectionately known as “Mrs. R” to thousands of students whose lives you influenced during a quarter-century as an English teacher, department chairman and drama coach at Beloit Memorial High School, you also have earned great respect and admiration as an outstanding educator and dedicated civic servant. You have utilized your recent retirement as a springboard to an even more active schedule, serving as chairman of the Beloit Bicentennial Committee, coordinator for the American Field Service, board member of the Rock Prairie Arts Council and director of the Civic Theatre, of which you are a past president. Proud of your heritage as a first-generation American, you deservedly have won numerous citations for enhancing the community’s educational, cultural and religious life in working with young and old alike through your affiliation with Brotherhood Week, summer playground staff, Treble Clef, Teen Theatre, Wisconsin Improvement Program Advisory Committee, intern and coordinated-team teaching efforts, and church activities. Your Alma Mater is pleased to recognize your demonstration of how good and full one’s life can really be by awarding you this citation.

July 01, 1970

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