Arthur R. Kemmerer’1928 DSC

You have pioneered significant research projects, especially in the area of nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis.

Educator – Agricultural Biochemist

Professor of agricultural biochemistry at the University of Arizona, you have pioneered significant research projects, especially in the area of nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis. After receiving master’s and doctorate degrees from Wisconsin, you spent 13 years as a chemist with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. You went to Arizona in 1945 as nutrition chemist and chairman of the Department of Human Nutrition, and you helped establish its Tissue Culture Laboratory. You have shared your findings and knowledge through the publication of more than 100 research articles, membership in leading professional societies and service on the agricultural board of the National Research Council. Your distinguished efforts have won for you listing in “Who’s Who,” the Faculty Recognition Award from the Tucson Trade Bureau and Arizona’s Alumni-Faculty Achievement Award. Active in faculty, church and honorary-group affairs, you have been state and local head of the American Association of University Professors and the Westminster Foundation. It is with great pleasure and pride the Beloit College honors you with this Citation in grateful recognition of your fidelity to its high academic goals.

July 01, 1970

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