Mary R. Wheeler’1924 DSC

A pioneer in the teachers’ labor movement.

1974 Distinguished Service Citation

Teacher – Union Leader

Youth, colleagues and community have been major benefactors of your long and faithful commitment to education. Active in sports in high school and college, it was only natural that you turned to teaching physical education, first as a student assistant here, them as a University of Nebraska instructor and finally, for 38 years, as head of the girls’ department and counselor at Proviso East High School in Maywood, Illinois. A pioneer in the teachers’ labor movement, you once were refused a contract because of your activity, then were returned to your position after a lengthy struggle. You have been a leader at all levels in the American Federation of Teachers, serving as national vice president and Executive Committee chairman, as president of the state federation and as head of the West Suburban Teachers’ Union. A past classroom teacher member of the State Teacher Certification Board, you also have great interest in human relations, independent voters, library and church work. Your Alma Mater is pleased to present you this Citation as your Class gathers here for its 50th Reunion this weekend.

July 01, 1974

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