Myrtle A. Shaw’1919 DSC

A pioneer in the study of toxin effects on living tissues before the advent of antibiotics and an author who shared her scientific findings.

1974 Distinguished Service Citation

The seed of your distinguished career in bacteriology was planted here at Beloit, when encouragement from Professor Densmore prompted you to do an independent study in the area and so aroused your interest that your pursued it and plant pathology as a graduate student at Wisconsin. You returned to Beloit as a botany instructor and developed the course in beginning bacteriology, then served as an assistant in agricultural bacteriology while completing work for a doctorate. Your career as associate bacteriologist for the New York State Department of Health exceeded 35 years, and your research in antibiotics, tissue cultures, viruses and enzymes earned you recognition in “Who’s Who of American Women” and “American Men of Science.” A pioneer in the study of toxin effects on living tissues before the advent of antibiotics and an author who shared her scientific findings, you remain a dedicated participant in library, historical, art and bloodmobile activities in Albany. Beloit College proudly recognizes your achievements by awarding you this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1974

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