Orson Earl Loomis’1917 DSC

A teacher who never meant to be one, you have had a long and distinguished career as an educator and school administrator.

A teacher who never meant to be one, you have had a long and distinguished career as an educator and school administrator. Loomis Library in Rockton’s Ho-no-ne-gah High School is a permanent tribute to you and the record you compiled over a 38-year span. You also left your mark in other fields as well – as an athlete, as an early American Field Service volunteer ambulance driver in France during World War I, as a charter member and top officer of your community’s Lions Club and American Legion Post, as an elected official of the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors and of the Talcott Library Board, as a Red Cross volunteer and Masonic Lodge member and as a world traveler.

November 11, 2022

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