Jessie M. Austin’1910 DSC

In your wide travels and study abroad, you taught as well as learned.

1960 Distinguished Service Citation

Jessie M Austin, magna cum laude graduate of Beloit just fifty years ago, you used your wisdom and your insight in pioneering in the field of student guidance and placement for many years at J. Sterling Morton High School, winning wide fame for your understanding and skill. In your wide travels and study abroad, you taught as well as learned. Inspired at Beloit while studying social work under the beloved Robert Coit Chapin, you continued your good works on a voluntary basis beyond the time of your professional career, and in your home during hours after they had completed their day’s labor, you taught English to displaced persons from foreign lands who had no other chance to learn. The College was enriched by your service as an Alumni Trustee and is pleased now, while your class is observing its Golden Anniversary, to add to the many honors you have won from other sources, this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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