Irving Stoddard Kull’1909 DSC

Vigorous supporter of international comity, first expressed in the League of Nations, and now in the United Nations.

Son of Wisconsin, with close ties to the city of Beloit;

Trained in history and philosophy by the great liberal teachers of our College;

Lifelong teacher of history, beginning at Beloit Academy, and continued through advancing stages at several institutions, to become head of the department and Voorhees professor at Rutgers University;

Editor of a four volume HISTORY OF NEW JERSEY and joint author with your wife of an unusual and much needed CHRONOLOGY OF AMERICAN HISTORY;

Vigorous supporter of international comity, first expressed in the League of Nations, and now in the United Nations;

Active in applying the spirit of Christianity to international justice;

Your career has brought you national recognition and personal distinction, and reflects honor on your Alma Mater.

This be the evidence of admiration and high regard from your fellow alumni and Beloit College.

July 01, 1970

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