November 18, 2022

Remember this?

The instantly recognizable red, white, and blue Geri’s Hamburgers sign gave a plug to WBCR FM radio in this photo from the mid-to-late 1980s.

The instantly recognizable red, white, and blue Geri's Hamburgers sign gave a plug to WBCR FM rad... Credit: Beloit College ArchivesThe hamburger joint was part of a small Midwest fast food chain with drive-through and walk-up service from the 1960s through the 1990s. Its location at the corner of Park and Woodward avenues, only a block from the residence halls, made it a convenient option for cheap burgers, fries, and shakes as late-night treats or quick Sunday night dinners. It closed in the late 1990s and was eventually torn down.

Students gathered beneath Geri’s red arches are from left, top row: Kristin Davis’87, Matthew Bilsbarrow’88, Tom Skwerski’87, and Bill Keaton’86. Bottom row: Lori Skelton’86, Chris Golde, student activity director, Rich Allen’86, Steve Frevert’86, David Goodman’88, Paul Gutowski’87, and Bryan Oldenburg’86. The person atop Bryan’s shoulders is unidentified.

Do you have a photo that captures your era at Beloit? Send it to

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