Kenneth J. Beeby’58 DSC

But it is his class that has drawn his greatest allegiance as a reunion planner, dedicated correspondent, and class agent for three decades.

2008 Distinguished Service Citation

Kenneth J. Beeby, of the class of 1958, is a leader, whether in his business life, in his community or, most especially, in the life of Beloit College. He built Beloit’s alumni organization in St. Louis in the 1960s, during the dozen years he worked there after completing law school. When he re-settled near Boston, starting a thirty-year career in the bogs of the Ocean Spray Cranberry cooperative, he had barely settled when he was seeking the names of Beloiters in his new community to start building ties anew. But it is his class that has drawn his greatest allegiance as a reunion planner, dedicated correspondent, and class agent for three decades. This dedicated brother of Sigma Chi, with the support of his wife, Shelley Seip-Beeby of the class of 1959, has been a devoted servant and leader for his alma mater. The Beloit Alumni Association is proud to recognize this model of dedication by conferring its highest award, the Distinguished Service Citation, to Ken Beeby on the occasion of his 50th reunion.

July 01, 2008

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