Nancy Wormley Boutelle’57 DSC

Regarded throughout your career as a woman who helps get things started, then moves from one project to another as they begin happening, you have successfully undertaken such varied community service roles...

1982 Distinguished Service Citation

Attracted to Beloit by Professor Emeritus Frank Boggs’ reputation as an artist and teacher, you utilized your liberal arts background to enter the social service field by creating and developing a new agency, the Beloit Voluntary Action Center. You effectively complement the demanding responsibilities as director of the center – which has 1,200 volunteer members plus 850 senior citizens involved in specialized programming – by remaining a volunteer activist yourself.

Regarded throughout your career as a woman who helps get things started, then moves from one project to another as they begin happening, you have successfully undertaken such varied community service roles as school teacher, YWCA dance instructor, League of Women Voters officer, church and youth group leader, and college trustee. Your efforts as a social outreach committee chairman helped the community expedite day care, start Meals on Wheels, launch a housing authority, and become involved in literacy programs. In testimony to your exemplary humanistic concerns and services, Beloit College is pleased to present this Citation to you on the occasion of your 25th Class Reunion.

July 01, 1982

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