David and Jane Karr Threinen’56 DSC

But with the passing of their respective spouses, these two dynamic old friends and classmates joined forces and returned as Beloit’s first couple, to live here and become a force in Beloit’s future.

2006 Distinguished Service Citation

David and Jane Karr Threinen are Beloit’s Mr. and Mrs. Momentum. They are the ultimate volunteer leaders, and have served Beloit at all levels, including membership on the College’s two governing boards–the Board of Trustees and the Beloit College Alumni Association. Their work on behalf of Beloit was impressive when they originally worked separately from each other in their home territories of Texas and California. But with the passing of their respective spouses, these two dynamic old friends and classmates joined forces and returned as Beloit’s first couple, to live here and become a force in Beloit’s future. The former Rockford talk show host and television personality–back when the “weather girl” was the reason you watched the local news–and the Texas oil patch geologist–who we hope does not succumb to the renewed call of the oil rigs–both proved the effectiveness of a Beloit education in preparing them to be flexible and to change careers with ease. And when a former Beloit President suggested that the College could use their help and promised to fill their time with projects if they would move back, they agreed to heed his call and returned to Beloit. For the past six years, in addition to knowing them as active advocates for the College and community, we have been pleased to call them our good neighbors. For their lifetime of commitment and service, the Beloit College Alumni Association is pleased to recognize them together, at this golden jubilee celebration of their graduation, with its highest award, the Beloit College Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 2006

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