Robert M. Royalty’54 DSC

You credit Beloit teachers and fellow students with providing the high quality of intellectual challenge that helped prepare you for the legal profession and profoundly influenced your critical and writing skills.

1979 Distinguished Service Citation

Attorney – Civic Servant

Corporate law practitioner, securities regulation specialist, author and lecturer, civic leader – you credit Beloit teachers and fellow students with providing the high quality of intellectual challenge that helped prepare you for the legal profession and profoundly influenced your critical and writing skills. A Harvard Law School graduate, you are now a partner in the prestigious Georgia firm of Sutherland, Asbill and Brennan. You have chaired the American Bar Association’s State Regulation of Securities Committee, served the Atlanta Bar unit as an officer and executive committee member, written law review articles and lectured at national seminars. Elected to Leadership Atlanta and Who’s Who in the South and Southeast, you have been active in political and civic affairs by providing legal and financial advice on the city, state and congressional levels and by being a director of the Georgia Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Butler Street YMCA and the Metropolitan Atlanta Mental Health Association. Beloit College honors your dedication to its high academic and human service standards by awarding you this Distinguished Service Citation at the time of your 25th Class Reunion.

July 01, 1979

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