Xiao-Xuan (Edward) Tang’49 DSC

You initially headed the first Chinese production of penicillin at the dawn of its antibiotic industry, then served 25 years as chief engineer and vice director of technology for the North China Pharmaceutical Corporation.

Biochemist – Technical Director – Humanist

An admiring classmate describes you as a “true citizen of the world” – one who learns from all its peoples, enriches his own country by spreading this knowledge, and still gives much to others while trying to unite us all. You knew Beloit well before arriving on campus from China, for your father graduated from Beloit in 1918. Buoyed by solid undergraduate training in chemistry and a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin, you returned to your homeland and, despite difficult times, gained both national and international scientific recognition. You initially headed the first Chinese production of penicillin at the dawn of its antibiotic industry, then served 25 years as chief engineer and vice director of technology for the North China Pharmaceutical Corporation, which employed 10,000 people and was involved in 60 products. You concluded your career at the corporation’s headquarters, the Hebei Pharmaceutical Administration, retiring as director in 1985, when your wide range of achievement in the field of fermentation chemistry earned you the position of honorary director and professor for the Research Institute of Biochemical Engineering at the East China University of Chemical Technology in Shanghai. It is with great pride that your Alma Mater recognizes your diversified accomplishments and your demonstration of how good, full and useful one’s life can be by presenting this citation in your absence to your son DeMing, a member of the class of 1984 and a third generation Beloiter whom we fondly call Eddie.

July 01, 1985

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