Carl Manfred Grip’46 DSC

Today’s society is better because of the visionary direction of your teaching, advisory and administrative efforts along these lines.

University Administrator – Consultant

A champion of liberal arts education, you once said in an Alumni Chapel talk here that it “must aid the individual to be a free man, aware of his heritage, envisioning his responsibilities and releasing his potentialities.” Today’s society is better because of the visionary direction of your teaching, advisory and administrative efforts along these lines. As dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Illinois Institute of Technology, you have developed a Metropolitan Studies Center for student research and field experience. Earlier, while dean of men and assistant professor of psychiatry at Temple University, you shaped the character of an opportunities program for disadvantaged minority youths and of an improved Philadelphia public school system. You have reached young and old alike as an employment, vocational and community consultant. Your research has probed college attendance, the school drop-out and the prediction of executive job success. Your leadership has enriched educational, student personnel and financial aid associations. Your Alma Mater is proud of your distinguished career and hopes to pay you deserved honor by awarding you this Distinguished Service Citation, the first presented to a member of the Class of 1946.

July 01, 1970

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