Robert H. Kline’42 DSC

An award-winning media specialist, you have also made a positive impact in the community through service as brotherhood chairman of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and as head of the Virginia Refugee Resettlement Office and of First Homes, which assists the homeless.

1992 Distinguished Service Citation

The fireworks store you operated one summer as a youth provided your introduction to business and dealing with the public and, bolstered by your liberal arts education here at Beloit and then by naval service in both World War II and the Korean Conflict, set the stage for your highly successful and diversified career. You initially turned to print and broadcast journalism before going into advertising and forming your own firm in Richmond, Virginia. In 1964, you started the Southeastern Institution of Research, a national marketing research organization. Six years later, and mindful of the approaching 200th anniversary of our nation’s birth, you founded the U.S. Bicentennial Society as a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to historical research and to the sponsorship of projects and issuance of objects that are historically and artistically significant. Later renamed the United States Historical Society, it assists – under your chairmanship – museums, historical homes, and other organizations in marketing appropriate objects and publishing books to raise funds. An award-winning media specialist, you have also made a positive impact in the community through service as brotherhood chairman of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and as head of the Virginia Refugee Resettlement Office and of First Homes, which assists the homeless. Beloit College is proud to recognize your creative, dynamic and effective business achievement and outstanding civic contributions by awarding you this Distinguished Service Citation on the occasion of your 50th Reunion.

July 01, 1992

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