H. Hurst Gibson’42 DSC

A past president of Beloit’s Alumni Association, you have fulfilled major community obligations ranging from service as head of the City Parking Commission and Concert Band Association to officer of the Arts Council, Chamber of Commerce, State Street Baptist Church, Salvation Army, United Way, Economic Development Commission and American Field Service.

Banker – Community Leader

You came to Beloit College to prepare for a career in business, and your success is testimony to the wisdom of that choice. Although World War II interrupted your post-college planning, it provided you with valuable experience as a temporary military governor and Army liaison officer for 50 German hamlets; you then renewed the quest as a civilian by joining Rockford’s City National Bank and Trust Company. Your long service with the bank culminated in your election to its presidency in 1972. Now chairman of the Banks of Illinois Trust, you have held major offices in professional groups and taught courses on principles of bank operations. A past president of Beloit’s Alumni Association, you have fulfilled major community obligations ranging from service as head of the City Parking Commission and Concert Band Association to officer of the Arts Council, Chamber of Commerce, State Street Baptist Church, Salvation Army, United Way, Economic Development Commission and American Field Service. In recognition of your professional achievements and your demonstration of how good and full one’s life can be, your Alma Mater is honored to present the Distinguished Service Citation to you.

July 01, 1970

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