Why Bother, Wisconsin? Because your vote matters!
Beloit College is building an alliance of Wisconsin private colleges and universities to encourage college students to make voting a habit, beginning with this year’s midterm elections on Nov. 8.
The campaign, called Why Bother, Wisconsin?, kicks off on Tuesday, Sept. 20, National Voter Registration Day, and calls on colleges to make Election Day a class-free day of action.
Tables will be set up in the Powerhouse, Pearsons, and Chapin to register students, faculty, and staff to vote. The college already has signed up two partners, Alverno College in Milwaukee and Marian University in Fond du Lac.
Ron Watson, associate professor, political science and health & society, and Tara Girard, Associate Dean for Recreation, Wellness and Engagement, are leading a campus voter education effort with events on Tuesdays leading up to the election.