Maura Hanley’22 will work for the Ice Age Trail Alliance
Maura reported that her environmental studies capstone project was critical to getting the position: “The interviewers were really impressed with my knowledge and research I’ve done regarding environmental justice and Indigenous rights, which they view as an important asset for this position.”
Her capstone project resulted in a podcast series in which Maura explored, through the lens offered by decolonization and untraditional museums scholarship, the convergence of outdoor spaces that are culturally and historically significant to Indigenous peoples and the usage of these spaces by non-indigenous people for recreation and education.
Maura will work for the Ice Age Trail Alliance as a communications specialist. This nonprofit works to conserve, create, maintain, and promote the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. Her position is funded by AmeriCorps. The new position follows an impactful environmental management internship at the VA Medical Center in Milwaukee last summer.
April 17, 2022