September 28, 2021

Community spirit best Covid weapon

Last summer, the push was on to promote vaccinations as part of “Back at Beloit,” which builds on last year’s track record of returning everyone to campus safely.

President Bierman shared this photo with his granddaughter as a reason to get vaccinated in the #... President Bierman shared this photo with his granddaughter as a reason to get vaccinated in the #WorthAShot campaign.To reach its goal of getting 90 percent of the campus community vaccinated, Beloit Student Government joined Beloit leadership in launching a #WorthAShot campaign that played out on social media, on the college website, and in person. People were encouraged to share their stories and photos to encourage others to get vaccinated.

President Bierman emailed students, citing his reasons for getting a vaccine.

“First, we know that some members of our community simply cannot get the vaccine due to underlying health issues,” he wrote. “The incremental protection they get from being around nearly 100 percent vaccinated people on the campus is enormous. Second, our mission is far better achieved if we can be together, safely, indoors and out. As a relationship-centric campus, we need as many one-on-one interactions as possible.”

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