Vaccination stories show faculty and staff care for our community
We invited several well-known faculty and administrators to share how they view the benefits of getting the vaccine. For many of them, the rewards are also close to home. Here are their stories.
President Scott Bierman
Anyone who is physically able to get the vaccine and who cares about the health of people around them — roommates, teammates, faculty, staff, people in the city of Beloit, family, children, people with co-morbidities — should express that care in the most effective way possible. That is, by getting vaccinated.”
Daniel Barolsky, Department of Music
Tamara Ketabgian, Department of English
“To anyone who’s hesitating: the symptoms caused by the vaccine are so minor compared to the resulting peace of mind! Trust me: as a generally healthy and vigorous person, I had no idea I would be so severely impacted by COVID.”
Yvonne Wu, Department of Music
“Get vaccinated and avoid the risk of long-term symptoms! Plus, we need to stop the spread so that more deadly variants don’t emerge. Let’s all get in on stopping this pandemic!”
Sonya Maria Johnson, Department of Religious Studies
“There are so many things that we can not control in life, but being vaccinated and safeguarding our individual and collective health is something we can control. I also want to support first responders and medical professionals because I have family members who work in these areas and I know how hard these past 18 months have been on people and their families. By taking all the steps I can to care for my health, it means that I can help alleviate the burden placed on others who care for community wellness day in and day out. To quote our students, ‘self care is community care.’”
Martha Stolze, Admissions
Tamara Fouche’10, Office of Development and Alumni Relations
“At the time, I was working as Director of Development for a small non-profit on the northwest side of Chicago that served predominantly low-income and homeless families, the most vulnerable populations. Not only did we want to lead by example for them, but we also wanted to keep ourselves safe.
“Additionally, I got vaccinated to protect my family. I am close to my grandparents and was proud to keep them safe. I took my grandfather to his vaccination appointment — he was excited to get his shot, and I was glad to be able to take him. We went to a Walgreens, and you could tell everyone was proud to see an almost 90-year-old walk in for his shot. It felt great!”
Kathy Landon, Office of International Education
“Beloit College does its best work when we are together, in person. This is our shot to do the most good, for everyone.”
Karen Mayse, Office of Development and Alumni Relations
“The only way we are going to get through this together is to take care of ourselves and each other. The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to get vaccinated.”