Off Campus Opportunities and Athletics

Nathan Marklin’21 never expected all the experiences he’s having at Beloit. Most of all, he was surprised by the ways he applied his Spanish coursework outside the classroom.

Class Year: 2021
Philosophy & History, Spanish Minor
Hometown: Evansville, Indiana

How did you hear about Beloit? What made you excited to come here?
There is an alumna from the same high school I went to and she let me know about Beloit. She was a senior when I was a freshman and really encouraged me. I love the liberal arts environment and just seeing the campus and talking with some of the professors was just a magical experience, and I just clicked with Beloit instantly. It is somewhere I could see myself growing.

What kind of activities are you involved with on campus?
I am involved with cross country, Phi Kappa Psi, I’m a tutor at the writing center, and have been involved with Chelonia and December Dance even so far as I did ACDA in Madison.

What off-campus opportunities have you enjoyed?
This past summer I received the Weissburg Human Rights Grant; through which I went and worked at a migrant camp in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico bordering Guatemala called LA72 for a month. There I taught English to a classroom of fourteen, worked in an infirmary, registration, and communications office. When I returned to campus, I was able to present about my experience in this fall’s International Symposium Day. I have also shadowed/interned at the prosecutor’s office at the courthouse in Evansville. And last semester volunteered teaching English as a second language to the local Beloit community.

What has been your favorite class so far?
PHIL200: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy with Phil Shields. To put any explanation of why it’s my favorite would downplay how great of a class it is.

What has been your most unexpected Beloit experience?
Volunteering in Mexico has been my most unexpected Beloit experience. I hated Spanish in high school but ended up loving it when learning it here. The professors, like Sylvia Lopez and Gabriela Cerghedean, really cultivated a joy for learning a second language. What was unexpected, was being able to learn Spanish enough to go to Mexico. Second, the idea of going to Mexico in general seemed so out of the blue but made sense with everything going on with me at Beloit. I heard about La 72 though an international symposium by Lauren Savage, which inspired me to take on this experience with my roommate, Jack Chelsky. Financially I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but through a grant I was able to have this great opportunity. The most unexpected Beloit experience without a doubt.

Also, running cross country. I never envisioned myself doing something athletic on a collegiate level. And, finally, joining a fraternity. I didn’t anticipate myself as a fraternity guy, but the guys are just so like-minded and welcoming it has all been just such a great experience so far.

What’s been your biggest academic challenge?
Spanish and applying Spanish outside of class has been the biggest challenge. Actually applying a second language has been incredibly challenging because it is so different outside of the classroom.

Which dorm was your first/favorite?
Found a home in Spanish House after living in Peet first semester.

What is your favorite space on campus?
I love studying in the back cubicles at the library on the left side by the windows.

Where are you and your friends on Saturday night?
It varies. Some Saturday nights the team and I are returning from a weekend race on other nights I’ll spend it with friends in PKP.

What would your advice be to future Beloiters?
Try something new or something you’re afraid to do. For me it was joining cross country and I’ve absolutely loved it, even after thinking I was not athletic or that I could never see myself in a sport or on a team.

How do you think Beloit has prepared you?
Beloit has prepared and sharpened various skills of mine. For starters, my writing has improved dramatically and I’ve been able to apply more practical skills like Spanish, and through liberal arts just general critical thinking skills.

What’s next for you?
Thinking about maybe Grad school or Law School. I’m not sure which one yet.

December 01, 2018

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